Amazon Has a Robot and, No, It’s Not Jeff Bezos

Does Amazon know the secret to home robotic success and is it Astro?

Lance Ulanoff
Published in
5 min readSep 28, 2021


Amazon Astro (Credit: Amazon)

Nerds, tech geeks, and sci-fi aficionados generally love robots. Most other people do not.

I fall into the former camp, but as I talk and tweet about the new personal consumer robot Amazon introduced on Tuesday, Amazon Astro, I’ve encountered many in the latter camp. Robots, no matter how cute, helpful, and privacy-aware are just not for them.

It’s a shame because most of us will need these robots someday. Maybe not right away, but the first time we fall and break out hip, we’ll want a friendly home robot strong enough to lift and put us back to bed.

Amazon’s Astro, a tiny automaton packed tight with motors, servos, sensors, neural nets, and motherboards, has all the earmarks of a good idea in search of a receptive audience.

It will be tough for Astro to find one.

In my 20-plus years covering robotics, I have seen so many warm, friendly, non-threatening robots…



Lance Ulanoff

Tech expert, journalist, social media commentator, amateur cartoonist and robotics fan.