I Asked My Wi-Fi Fairy Godmother for Tech Help and She Wound up Fixing All the Things

A year into the pandemic I finally found the help I didn’t know I needed

Adrienne Gibbs


A partial view of ethernet network connection plugs, the port-side of a router,  and a USB stick against an orange background.
Photo: Mykhailo Polenok/EyeEm/Getty

Unlike most of you, I was already working remotely prior to the pandemic. But after my children, my husband, and my entire neighborhood joined the work-from-home crew, my internet access got screwy.

I knew I needed professional help when Zoom stopped working exactly 30 seconds into a meeting I was supposed to attend with my company’s COO. With Zoom down, I got an immediate text from my eight-year-old’s teacher, asking me why he dropped out of his Google class and didn’t I understand that he must be seen on camera in order to be marked present? Seconds after that, my five-year-old started crying because Amazon Prime was buffering and Peep and Big Wide World (an amazing Canadian kids’ show) went dark. And then my husband called from his office where he was prepping his team to file paperwork from home for the long haul to say the Ring app informed him that the outdoor video cameras were offline, and did I turn them off? Was someone trying to invade the house?

And that was just the first Monday.

Ever since the Covid-19 situation started and my remote work setup was joined by two kids and a husband, everything…



Adrienne Gibbs

Director of Content @Medium. Award-winning journalist. Featured in a Beyoncé reel. Before now? EBONY, Netflix, Sun-Times, Miami Herald, Boston Globe.